陈照心明(1959- ) 是华裔新西兰人, 号:南海孤辰星、别署:婴墨侯、荷叶伯、时空大弟子。幼承庭训,好习古文诗书画,童蒙于家大人,青年时代受冯天正、张云桥、商承祚、秦牧、楼栖、陈残云、曹思彬等文学、文字、考古文化界前辈的影响和训导, 侨居新西兰二十多年,岁月如电,笔耕墨耘,大部分时光和激情燃烧在为年轻一代架起一座通往文化艺术史上宗匠的精神传统和艺术心法的金桥。并以著书—授徒—创作为人生三大使命。出版了《心明书学大脚印》此书为心明创立的“宗匠脚印学派”奠定了理论与实践的基础。
Xinming Zhao Chen (1959- ) is a Chinese New Zealander, who as a child received great disciplinary teachings on Chinese literature, calligraphy and painting from her senior family members, and later has devoted her early life in academic researches on Chinese literature, calligraphy and anthropology, following the achievements of great masters such as Feng Tianzheng, Zhang Yunqiao, Shang Chengzuo, Qin Mu, Lou Xi, Chen Chanyun and Cao Sibin.
She moved to Auckland more than 20 years ago and has since endeavoured to build a bridge between the younger generation and the essence of the Chinese great masters’ art, works and thoughts, and fulfilling the “Three Missions” of her life: Writing, Teaching and Creating Artworks, and she has taught Chinese language and culture in various schools across New Zealand.
She later published her book Footprints of Great Masters – Xinming’s Research on Chinese Calligraphy, which has laid the foundation of the key theories and practices she has put forward as a unique “School of Thoughts” following the Great Masters’ footsteps.