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Kingdom Beyond 800 Years:
Taigong’s face with Moko Reimagined


Jiang Taigong is a popular name for Jiang Ziya, a statesman and strategist of King Wen, and later, young King Wu. He helped them overthrow the Shang Kingdom and establish the Zhou Dynasty which lasted 800 years.


Taigong was known as a fisherman who fished without hook or bait. He reasoned he would only catch fish that wanted to be caught. He had little luck until his eightieth birthday. It was then that King Wen found him.


Here in the painting, the ideals of benevolence and humanity are inset, not in a man, but in a hook (Hei Matau). These characters within the fish hook stand for the exceptional values of a family reflecting the values of a country.


Taigong’s facial designs are in reverence to the Moko. An expression of an aristocratic mark and a connection with a Māori sense of dignity. This cultural adoption is respectfully limited, with the designs being Zhou in nature.


题跋: “姜太公钓鱼愿者上钩” 所在的历史御今价值乃以君子“恭敬、撙节、退让” 之道为世界文明所存之道也。太公的良思神貌是否与毛利神人面部图腾相似,特以周青铜文饰示现太公威德。


注解: 姜太公原名吕尚,商末周初政治家、军事家和谋略家。生于公元前1210年农历八月初三。身怀绝技。八十岁仍没有寸功于家于国。商纣王无道,民不聊生。周文王有志救民于水火,求贤若渴,姜太公为求有情有义的明主。每日在渭水河边伸着鱼杆,没饵没钩地钓鱼。终于遇到周文王亲自将姜太公请上车接到都城拜为国师。路程约八百步,姜太公便推算出周之国祚约八百年,竟也成真。周文王大业未成身先死,太公珍惜与文王过命之交的“情同亲合”。辅助武王伐纣,建立周朝。于是就有一句歇后语:“太公钓鱼—愿者上钩”。



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