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“丹心雄鹰传承与创新、艺术与幻觉世界巡展之旅”是陈照心明作为宗匠脚印学派创始人以及临川李氏(清道人李瑞清)金石书画学派“第四代学者艺术家”的一次历史性的展出;也是一次“姐妹智慧与艺术人生”共同完成的境界之作。更是“传承前辈心法,对接南太平洋的本土文化,开创当代书法艺术新风格的文化艺术之旅。这是一次纯净之旅,也是向世人展露中国文化艺术深根之旅。心明与子玄希望通过这次“世界巡展”让祖国和世界人民为中华真正有 “魅力根”的艺术而燃烧激情。并形成美好的丹心雄鹰文化思潮:“崇尚艺术精神的教化、抑制贪婪与蛮性的释放”。谱写二十一世纪允恭克让,百姓平安的礼乐艺术新章。




展示心明沿着宗匠心法的脚印,神游三代,上溯史前“图符、气符、纹饰 、甲骨钟鼎,下拾秦汉六朝简帛碑版,纳千年书法于笔下。







30米 《千年书法长卷三代篇》

先贤李瑞清主张学书从周钟鼎大篆入手 ;李健从甲骨文入门。陈照心明在他们的基础上向夏代文明以前的宇宙螺旋气场符号寻觅书学源流的始祖。把夏商周三代书法脉络按地域、国别,分别写在作品的题跋中,使其有上承下启的作用。是艺术与学术嘉惠年轻一代的力作。



Exhibition Tradition and Innovation, Art and Illusion

The Tradition and Innovation, Art and Illusion exhibition is an international exhibition that follows the artistic style of the Historical Jinshi art and culture academy. Artist Xinming, is a fourth generation calligraphy master, following the grand masters style, stylized by the first great master Li Rui Qing from the late Qing Dynasty, she also is the founder of the great masters footprint, an academic school of Chinese culture and Calligraphy which follows all of the Great historical masters of Chinese art and history.


The exhibition is a collaborative piece combining both Xinming and her sister Zixuan’s wisdom to reach a high realm of enlightenment in the art. The style of the art is not just following the traditional great master’s style, but also connects with the contemporary art of the South Pacific, as it is paving the way of a new contemporary calligraphic style. The exhibition carries a true and pure purpose, and reveals to the world and to China the deep cultural roots of Chinese calligraphy.


Xinming and Zixuan hope that with this exhibition they can showcase the true fine cultural art of China, and they also hope to kindle an interest and passion in Chinese Calligraphy. Through this exhibition they hope to make a surge of self-cultivation and enlightenment so that any controlling and selfish natures of humankind can be improved and bettered, composing a sense of generosity and selflessness that can be universally felt by people worldwide in the 21st century


Part One


Great Master’s Footprints – Teaching exhibition, exploring the history of development of Jinshi calligraphy and painting academic stream.


In this exhibition, Xinming will show the great Chinese prehistoric civilization to people and the mysterious symbols expressed in their calligraphy. She hopes to promote a broader understanding a people whose writing brought a crucial element to their spiritual journey; to share the spiritual wealth of a civilization.


Xinming will show work that is akin to the style of traditional Chinese calligraphers: using hanging scrolls, paired couplets, and hand scroll. Her work in this area is heavily dependent upon a lifetime of study and research in ancient Chinese carved stele and bronze inscriptions.




Eagle Spirit

Our desire is for Chinese culture to surge through the world, so that human nature can be improved to be more loving and generous.




上图: 临仲乾大师玉针篆《道家秘文》

下图: 汉碑  心明作〈渔家傲 鹤寿〉

中图一: 行书 〈珊瑚吉金〉心明续仲乾大师所失遗墨下联

中图二: 节临清华简〈保训〉

中图三: 临西蜀马德昭〈魁鳌〉



左: 《楚公钟》   右: 《曾子簠》

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