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2018 得道犬《雪域雄狮图 》陈照心明

尺寸:93 cm x 170 cm

钤印: 照心明(白文)、照心明印(朱文)、南海孤辰星















创作手记:善歌者,使人继其声;善教者、使人继其志。在烦嚣狂燥的当今世界。心明子玄恬淡虚无,默默引领草堂门人弟子(也包括动物小伙伴们)承接圣贤修己治学的心印,护卫文化精神传承的根印 ,笔耕墨耘宗匠书学的脚印。三印于草堂,化作诗、书、画 三为一体的《雪域雄狮图》。得道犬一身精神全乎于目,那样悠远广大,雄卧于雪山松柏之颠。佛国五色经幡的衬托,使精魂所依。往生日祥瑞贵显,有门人大力神手、羽西、玮巍、青黛照料以及全体门人的诵经护佑。七天后心存感激的犬儿报梦羽西:“在高僧洪亮的诵经声中化作满天白云,深情微笑— ”。子玄师笑言:定是那只“多名歌”把幸运带给了最关照它的羽西师兄,幸运的2018就是你的了!





Title: 2018 Enlightenment Dog’s “Snowfield Majestic Lion Painting” by Chen Zhaoxinming

Dimensions: 93 cm x 170 cm

Seals: Zhaoxinming (in white), Zhaoxinming’s Seal (in red), Southern Lone Morning Star



Parting from My Beloved Dog

By Chen Zhaoxinming


Vast and boundless, the sea of clouds suddenly emerges,

Snatching away the Zen dog at my feet.

I look up and hear her loud cry,

Brings back endless memories and brings me sorrow,

The majestic lion of the snowfield ascends to heaven,

Leaving me by the three-foot podium, steeped in concern.

Teaching oneself and disciples to bear profound gratitude,

Cultivating one’s character, like a steadfast pine or cypress boat navigating the world.


Colophon: Throughout my life, I studied scriptures, meditated, and pursued the Dao. My disciples, who value learning and the Dao, understand that what comes together will eventually part. Now, having to bid farewell to my beloved old dog, this painting is a reflection of emptiness.


Creation Notes: Good singers make others follow their voice; good teachers inspire others to follow their aspirations. In today’s noisy and impatient world, Xinming and Zixuan, with their calm demeanour and profound understanding of emptiness, silently guide the disciples (including animal companions) to uphold the teachings of saints, protect the spiritual heritage, and to carry forward the traditions of calligraphy. These teachings, transformed into poetry, calligraphy, and painting, are manifested in the “Snowfield Majestic Lion Painting.” The enlightened dog’s spirit is entirely evident in its eyes, so vast and profound, resting atop snowy mountains surrounded by pines and cypresses. The backdrop of colourful Buddhist prayer flags provides a foundation for its spirit. On the day it passed away, auspicious signs appeared. Disciples such as Dalishi, Yu Xi, Wei Wei, and Qing Dai took care of the dog, along with the rest of the disciples recited sutras for its protection and blessing. Seven days later, the grateful dog appeared in Yu Xi’s dream, “Amid the resonating chants of the venerable monks, it transformed into clouds filling the sky, smiling deeply.” Master Zixuan joked: It must be that “Duo Ming Ge” (name of the dog) brought good luck to Yu Xi, who cared for it the most. Indeed, the fortunate year of 2018 is yours!

Well done!

After the Lantern Festival, Duo Ming Ge’s resting day.


Translated by Sylvia Yang

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