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戊戌五月九日, 新西兰丹心雄鹰人文研究基地创始人心明和子玄访问美国芝加哥艺术博物馆,正直 “吉金鉴古” 青铜器艺术国际大展。 (Mirroring China’s Past: Emperors and Their Bronzes)该博物馆亚洲拓展事务执行总裁,亚洲艺术部普利兹克专席主任、中国艺术总策展人汪涛博士及马麟博士热情友好地接待了从遥远南太平洋远道而来的新西兰著名学者艺术家陈照心明和子玄。美好的吉金鉴古之会,翻开了草堂与世界学术交流的新篇章。


On May the 9th 2018, Xinming and Zixuan as the founders of The Art and Humanity Institute (TAHI) New Zealand were invited to the Art Institute of Chicago, while exhibition Mirroring China’s Past: Emperors and Their Bronzes was right on. The Executive Director of Initiatives in Asia, Pritzker Chair of Asian Art, Dr. Tao Wang, and Chinese Art Curator, Dr. Colin C. Mackenzie received the visiting covey with warm hospitality, and later discussion of the four witnessed a great amount of sharing, inspiring, and exchanging, which opens up a new chapter in the academic exchange of TAHI.


会见期间,心明简单介绍临川李氏金石书画学派百年传承的脉络,还特别推介草堂无世誉之慕,遗世独立的“书院学派 ” 风范和文脉传承的意义。尤其在谈到中华文脉深根从童子功培养开始。学书从宇宙螺旋气场入门,继而甲骨、金文大篆、简帛、小篆、汉魏六朝碑帖再到唐宋元明清盛业的行、楷、草。给两位享誉世界的西方汉学家留下了太平洋上有“真火传承”的有趣印象。


Xinming started with the introduction of the Jinshi Calligraphy School founded by Master Li from Linchuan, and the hundred-year journey it has made, together with the significance of setting up TAHI, an independent research institution inheriting the pedagogy of the “Shu Yuan” (traditional Chinese private school), which is undesirous and makes no efforts for fame. She pointed out the root of continuity of Chinese civilization lies in Tong Zi Gong (a set of natural skills developed from committed systematic trainings at a young age), the teachings of which need to start from the understanding of the Spiral Qi Energy of the Universe (SQEU), and then to the study of oracles, bronze inscriptions, bamboo scripts, Xiao Zhuan characters, then to Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, before moving on to Xing Shu, Kai Shu and Cao Shu Styles in Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties. Such unique thoughts and theories have left an interesting impression to the two Western experts on China that the heritage of Chinese civilization is also alive on the South Pacific Ocean.


芝加哥艺术博物馆那宏伟的广厦,是世界艺术的殿堂,是提高世界民众审美教育的资源。馆藏之丰富,美不胜收:展出的艺术品有8000多件。最引人心动的是印象派大师乔治.修拉的《大碗岛的星期天下午》(Georges Seurat A Sunday on La grande Jatte _1884 ) 。修拉渴望表现他所关注的1880年代欧洲生活,却也要呈现他心中对传统色彩的颠覆,神秘、抒情的意象,使人津津乐道的点彩技法,让视觉作用重组出形体与色彩,表现出光的明亮与颤动【见插图5】


The Art Institute of Chicago, with its magnificent architectural design, becomes a hall of world art and substantial resource of art education for visitors from around the globe. Its extensive collections represent an overwhelming beauty of the world. The exhibition only showcases over 8000 pieces, among which the famous “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte 1884” by the grand Impressionist George Seurat stands out the most. Focusing on the lives of European in the 1880s, Seurat rendered the colors in a more unconventional way, giving it a touch of mystery and affection together with stippling technique dwelled upon with great relish, which re-organises the visual mix of shape and color, illustrating the brightness and vibrance of light. (Photo 5)


每天美国大中小学生络绎不绝在老师的带领下现场实物上课。拎着小板凳每到名画前就坐下静静接受美的熏陶。【插图6】亚洲艺术馆今年最轰动世界 的《吉金鉴古》青铜器展览,在汪涛博士独特审美布展下,透过灯光、色彩、辉煌错落,星布棋列。把青铜的礼乐文明清超奇妙地与二十一世纪的人类进行时空的对话,【见插图7~10】

这在美国乃至世界博物馆布展史上独占鳌头。还展出历代皇室与文人艺术家收藏赏鉴吉金古物的传奇故事, 展现青铜艺术的文化思想及动情的审美内容,这样的布展,一定能引领世界收藏家从前几年“火箭似的投资收藏”转向新一轮的“赏玩鉴藏”之热。


Each day, swarms of school students in the US will be led to learn among these artworks, sitting on stools in front of every masterpiece to receive the nurture of artistic beauty. (Photo 6)


The world renowned exhibition Mirroring China’s Past: Emperors and Their Bronzes, under the directions of Dr. Wang, created a miraculous cross-century dialogue between Chinese ancient bronzes and the Li Yue Culture (Culture of Etiquette and Music) through an aesthetically appealing mixture of lights, colour, patterns and space. (Photo 7-10)


This remains top of the world in the history of exhibition relating to Chinese culture. In the meantime, it also exhibited, together with the antiques, the stories of the collectors in time, including imperial and general public, in which way, elaborates the value of the exhibited interpreted by people across generations. Such design of exhibition could serve as a guide for the world collectors to turn from a “collecting for ROI” to a new trend of “collecting for enjoyment”.


夫学者载籍极博,尽管宾主之间素未平生, 然而对中国古代艺术宝库的开采和研究之精深 ,共同珍爱人类文明精神的研究成果。彼此欣赏的不光是学问和艺术,更多的是透过双方对彼此工作成果的赏识而建立迷人的友谊,成为学术的天涯诤友。给年轻一代留下做人和做学问无国界的风仪。


As Scholars are well-read, though never met before, both the hosts and guests demonstrated a deep understanding in the research of Chinese ancient art history, along with a cherishing care of the fruits of humanity. Friendship was formed in a charming way through not only research or art, but also the admirations towards each other’s professionalism and commitment, which has set an good example for emerging scholars.


会见结束前双方互赠礼物,心明赠给汪涛博士和他的团队“年年有余百福图”长条挂轴(手工纸),寓意 芝加哥艺术博物馆亚洲艺术天禄云集光前裕后。汪博士也赠予心明苏富比曾拍卖师门二祖李健作品的杂志。当临川李氏金石书画学派二祖李健千年古藤笔法的《秦公簋》展现在第四代传承的心明面前,她即从座起合十曰:“太珍贵了?大师的用笔確然不拔,遗世而独立。”子玄也从手机里把心明去美国前写给李多宽大人的横幅《家国情怀之盟》【图11】给两位汉学家赏鉴:“真是大书法家的作品!”面对夸赞,心明自愧不及前辈之万一也”。


The meeting ends with gift exchanges, where Xinming gave her artwork “More Than You Wish For – Baifu Painting” long scroll, symbolising a swim of bliss honouring the past and shedding lights for the future. Dr. Wang has given Xinming a magazine featuring the auctioned artwork from Li Jiang, the second Grand Master in Jinshi Calligraphy School. When the artwork “Qin Gong Gui” written in the unique style of ancient lianas was shown, Xinming stood up with palms together and said: “So precious! Master is indeed THE master, each surviving artwork is unique.” Zixuan also showed them the latest works of Xinming just before their trip to the US, a wide scroll “Alliance of Patriotism” (Photo 11), which has received due praise from the two scholars: “Masterpiece!” However, Xinming was humbled in the face of Grand Master Li’s artwork from history.



An invitation was given face to face to the two scholars to pay a visit to TAHI on the other side of the earth in New Zealand.




《吉金鉴古》之会,子玄、心明与芝加哥艺术博物馆亚洲拓展事务执行总裁汪涛博士(左)及中国艺术著名策展人马麟博士(Colin C Mackenzie,Ph.d)在展览厅前合影








心明 《年年有余百福图》挂轴








[ 李瑞清: 字仲麟号梅盦,一号梅痴,斋名玉梅花盦,黄龙砚斋,缢文洁公。江西临川人,书香门第,尤以金石书画教育名世,三千年书学源流派别燎然心目,手又能副之,彻上彻下,集书学之大成; 文洁公书从三代鼎彝,下窥秦汉俯视六朝,画则从武梁祠画像及汉壁画之属,取其韵味,于唐人取其钩勒,宋元取其设色而一以草篆之笔出之.明以后不知有人;于光绪二十一年(1895年)进士入翰林。三署江宁提学使,兼两江师范学堂监督(校长),是彪炳中国高等艺术师范教育之先驱,创临川李氏金石书画学派。造就了李健,胡小石,吕凤子,姜丹书,张大千等一大批中国近代书画美术教育的专业人才。有《玉梅花盦书断》《清道人遗集三卷》《玉梅花盦临古法帖》等存世。






在中国艺术史上,临川李氏金石书画的光辉,可谓代代相承瑰伟盖世。李健一生在诗、书、画、印 、文 诸方面成就非凡,培育了程十发、杨之光、 魏乐唐、方闻等一大批当代著名的书画大家及书画理论的考据人才。






【图4】金石书画学派第四代传承 陈照心明与恩师李家松(李健女儿)赏玩印章石。(1997年)




【图5】芝加哥艺术博物馆珍藏的印象派大师乔治.修拉的《大碗岛 的星期天下午》(Georges Seurat A Sunday on La grande Jatte _1884 )




【图6】 美国 小学生坐在佛祖雕像前仔细聆听老师现场讲解释迦摩利佛出家的故事和雕像的审美艺术价值。




【图7】《吉金鉴古》展品:《亚疑簋 》西周早期 上海博物馆藏
















【图11】心明为书法大家言恭达(北京),李多宽(左),原无锡市长谈学明(右)创作的 《家国情怀之盟 》横幅 绢本,寓意一带一路的文化艺术无家国情怀不盟。