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陈照心明《师门心法四训》三体中堂, 水墨纸本绫装 ,

尺寸:110cm x280cm






  • 大宗师李清道人书断:




《玉梅花庵书断 》


  • 嫡传弟子隺然居士李健书诀:




作画而不通书道,其画无笔 ,作书而不通画理,



  • 得意门生方闻《心印》:




  • 时空大弟子陈照心明:








如何把金石书画学派数代人的精神心法传给年轻一代,心明想过用唐宋宏伟山水构图、汉画像砖线描、甚至试过写成各家笔迹。最后都给艺术总监子玄鞭走了。心明一脸痛苦烦闷 ,幸好有两种释放的怪癖:其一“洗澡”,在热气腾腾玻璃门上捉住灵感;其二 “玩种种”,(多半把吃过各种水果的种子乱埋)。草堂曼陀罗花、玫瑰花、百合花、含笑、白兰花 每年次第开放,透心的香,透切的情 , 授业解惑之艰辛抛诸脑后。



Chen Zhao Xinming Four Teachings of the Masters Centre piece of the three-hanging scroll set, ink on silk
Size: 110cm x 280 cm
Seal: Shi Kong Da Di Zhi, Zhao Xinming, Xinming
Illustration: (On the right)

We have no desires for praises or worldly glory,
Benevolence is our only discipline,
We have been preparing ourselves for a long time,
Not concerned or anxious about the fact others may not be aware of our achievements.
Today we are gathered here and lay out our brushes and inkstones,
Share our love and care for each other,
Be mindful of the Classics we have studied and be mindful of the universal harmony of Heaven, Earth and Men,
For that we seek enlightenment.


(Centre) Four Teachings of the Masters


  • Comment from the Great Master Li Qing Dao Ren


For one to learn calligraphy, one must first learn to form one’s virtues,

You Jun (Wang Xizhi) has a high virtues, therefore his calligraphy works are all masterpieces.


For one to learn calligraphy, one should read more, read widely,

Only if one has read widely, one’s calligraphy will carry grace and elegance.

The foremost important aspect for calligraphy is artistic,

Otherwise it is merely a technique, not art.


  • Disciple and official heir Que Ran Ju Shi Li Jian comment:


Calligraphy is learning the spirit of the art, not simply copy the look of the work.

When practicing calligraphy, one is practicing one’s aspiration, not seeking praise from others.

——Que Lu Calligraphy Essentials


If one paints without any knowledge of calligraphy, the painting would be formless,

If one does calligraphy without any knowledge of painting, then the calligraphy would be artless.

—— An Essay on Chinese Painting.


  • Distinguished student Wen Fang:


Chinese artists pays great attention to orthodox, if one lacks understanding of traditions, any unique or eccentric thoughts, doesn’t matter how original that might be, it will be unfounded, therefore cannot be marked into history.


  • Shi Kong Da Di Zi Chen Zhao Xinming:


Learning calligraphy is to learn to be enlightened, studying calligraphy one must also learn all the Chinese classics.

While learning calligraphy one should also incorporate the Five Elements of the universe, thus reach ultimate wisdom and enlightenment, with ultimate wisdom comes the ultimate calligraphy. We shall carry forth the noble and eminent morality and personality.



During the warm spring time of 2015, at our Cao Tang gathering, I had all my students by mysids and I taught the four teachings of the Masters as encouragement and guidance. By Chen Zhao Xinming


Creativity Diary:


While creating this piece, a question Xinming pondered upon was “how to best pass on the essence of the teachings of the great masters?” she tried various methods, like using forms from the magnificent landscape paintings from Tang and Song Dynasties, or learn the lines from portrait bricks of the Han Dynasty, she even tried to copy all the great calligraphy masters, all of these ideas were by Art Director Zixuan. Xinming was distressed and unhappy, luckily, she has two eccentric ways to regain energy and creativity. She likes to take shower, and capture her new-found inspiration on the steamed shower glass door. Another way to de-stress is planting all kinds of fruit seeds in the garden. Every season, there are flowers in the garden flourish into blossom, the view and the scent are enough to rid of the stress.

Xinming then decided to start with the illustration on the right in Stele style, then in Regular style write the four teachings and formed them in four rectangular shapes. Lastly wrote  承上启下 between the rectangular shapes. It is ingenious and original, even our western friends who do not understand Chinese or Chinese calligraphy would be able to appreciate the lines and forms.



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