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2024年初,正值新西兰盛夏时节,心明师与子玄师踏上了前往纽约隆冬的旅途。正式开启了北半球文耕笔研的美好生活。纽约草堂也在一片雪白静谧之中默默绽放开来。二师到了纽约后迅速将草堂建立起来,一切打点得素雅而精致, 一如既往的书香墨凝,清风明月。弟子们想念二师,幸而有了高科技的助力,通过微信等通讯软件,我们不必像前人一样, 等十天半个月才能收到二师的消息。 没几天子玄师就传来了温暖而美好的文字.


At the start of 2024, in the height of New Zealand’s summer, Master Xinming and Master Zixuan embarked on their journey to the deep winter of New York, beginning their wonderful life of literary and scholarly cultivation in the Northern Hemisphere. The New York TAHI quietly blossomed amidst a tranquil blanket of snow. Upon their arrival in New York, the masters quickly established the New York TAHI, arranging everything in a simple and cozy manner, maintaining the usual fragrance of books and ink, with a backdrop of gentle breezes and bright moons. The disciples missed their teachers, but thankfully, with the help of modern technology communication apps, they no longer had to wait days or weeks to hear from them, as was the case in the past. It wasn’t long before Master Zixuan sent warm and beautiful messages.


“到步纽约后仅有的一场皑皑大雪,我和心明师稀罕了几天,围着火锅也饕餮了一回。 最享受的时刻莫过于每天能听到怀有宝宝的女儿来敲门,看着她痛快淋漓地喝完为她特制的营养汤水,肚子里的小家伙手舞足蹈的享受着人间美味,稳稳的在妈妈怀里等待降生。有个洋娃娃将喊我外婆了!!希望娃娃也和她的妈妈一样大情大性,善良可人。


With snow falling outside our window , Master Xinming and I have cherished the last few weeks, indulging in hotpot. The most delightful moments have been hearing my daughter, carrying a baby in her belly, knocking on our door daily. We’ve watched her enjoy specially-made nourishing soup, the little one inside her dancing in anticipation of worldly delights, snugly waiting to be born. A doll is going to call me grandma! ! I hope that the baby will be as compassionate, kind and pleasant as her mother.



寒冷过后好不容易看到窗前有一片草地,可怜巴巴的kiwi 感到异常兴奋,总算纽约草堂也有了一片绿草如茵和万里无云的蓝天。想象当四周白桦树枝繁叶茂时,更是生机盎然。好想家啊!想念弟子们!却又不得不认清需要照顾女儿临盆的现实。奈何知晓阴阳之用,却不知有雨的云彩是哪一片。



With snow falling outside our window , Master Xinming and I have cherished the last few weeks, indulging in hotpot. The most delightful moments have been hearing my daughter, carrying a baby in her belly, knocking on our door daily. We’ve watched her enjoy specially-made nourishing soup, the little one inside her dancing in anticipation of worldly delights, snugly waiting to be born. A doll is going to call me grandma! ! I hope that the baby will be as compassionate, kind and pleasant as her mother.

This weekend the New York TAHI started lecturing again. The 80-square-meter humble room we now occupy offers a different scene from our New Zealand TAHI, a simple set of tables and chairs, the familiar brushes, ink, paper and inkstone, and a few famous paintings on the wall for company. The New York TAHI is simple and cozy! There is no Arhat antique bed, only a comfortable and oversized soft bed. There’s no opportunity to play the role of Mengchang Jun anymore, but the appearance of the cultural ancestral court remains the same, and the exquisite snacks remain the same. It has a little more of the romance of the city life of New Yorkers.

Even in the cold winter, I saw a piece of grass in front of the window. We poor Kiwis felt very excited! Finally, New York TAHI had a piece of green grass and a cloudless blue sky. I imagine that when the birch branches are surrounded by lush leaves, it is even more vibrant. I miss home so much! I miss my students. But I recognized that I needed to take care of my daughter during labor. I know how to use Yin and Yang, but I don’t know which cloud has rain.

It is a great pleasure to keep in touch with you every week. In 2024, let us continue to study and practice diligently in the New York TAHI and share happiness and sorrow, the learning achievements of all students and the wisdom and creativity radiated from the cultural capital of the world. I wish everyone good luck in the Year of the Dragon!






子玄师女儿Leetee自宾夕法尼亚大学毕业以来便定居美国,现与夫君在纽约居住。龙年伊始便迎来了Leetee的宝贝女儿出生,子玄师称她是小龙女。有了小龙女这因缘,子玄师与心明师也将常驻纽约,共享天伦之乐。新生命,新开始,草堂母根精气神也将传承下去,神采奕奕的在北半球开花结果, 何等的欢喜如意。正如二师在新春时节赠与弟子们的吉祥书:春风融拂万事通,常生欢喜应祥龙,横批:天真烂漫。


Master Zixuan’s daughter, Leetee, has settled in the United States since graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, and now lives in New York with her husband. At the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, Leetee welcomed the birth of her beloved daughter, whom Master Zixuan calls “Little Dragon Girl.” With the arrival of Little Dragon Girl, Master Zixuan and Master Xinming will now reside permanently in New York, enjoying the joys of family together. A new life, a new beginning—the essence and spirit of TAHI will continue to be passed down, blossoming and bearing fruit in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing immense joy and good fortune. Just as the masters gifted their disciples with auspicious writings in the spring season: “The spring breeze smooths all paths, joy arises naturally with the auspicious dragon,” horizontal batch: “Innocently joyful.”


春暖花开的社区公园 community park in full bloom during spring


Spring has arrived, and Little Dragon Girl has lifted her head.