宗匠心法薪火相传, 将展出部分始终不改其志,一心追随心明老师倡导的“国学与书学童子功双向训练的学生作品,包括有: 符号书、甲骨文,钟鼎文、真书等,展现临川李氏书学六步心法:立品、明源流、识派别、 窥堂奥、喻笔法、解会通。重点展示心明课徒的各体书法。诗文、 篆刻 、手稿等。
Part Four
The New Footprints – Student perform using brush and playing a traditional Chinese music instrument while Xinming performs writing calligraphy.
Respect for teachers Hanging Scroll 173cm x 94cm Ink and colour on paper
Respect for teachers: The big word means respect and shows a person bowing to the teacher. When you bow like this it is like holding the jade in your hands, so it relates to showing respect to the teacher.
款识: 请业恭敬执圭治德,课徒高标化雨练鹤。
题跋: 敬字头上托一毛利人玉圭颇似门人弟子所执之礼欣写此图并记。心明于甲午.