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心明为配合妹妹子玄以佛道儒的智慧,为中外人士解决生命与身心的难题。创作吉祥符号书,此乃姐妹俩天作之合。尤其更获得伟大金刚力加持的巨 幅表现显密圆融的”般若书法”作品《心经》《金刚经》《观音心咒》扇面《阿字观》《百药》《顕寿》《圣经诗篇》《觉竹》等,让参观者有机会得大金刚力的加持,从而体会觉者无上慈悲和智慧。


Part Three


The Wise Footprints – To access higher spiritual meaning of traditional Chinese philosophies through Xinming’s art.



显密圆融《心经》                                   《禅心》


Written in the Orchid

“觉兰”  千秋王者香悟空性



Written in the leave


题跋: 不怕念起, 只恐觉迟。


Blossom Orchid Bamboo and Chrysanthemum symbolises the four gentlemen. It is traditionally a formal art form in Chinese culture, they enjoy humane characteristics like self-reliance, elegant in look but light in taste, and never bow before power.  Therefore, since ancient times, these four plants have become spiritual symbols of Chinese who used them to reflect their sentiments and ideals. But in Xinming‘s way it is unique because she uses the spiritual philosophical thinking and applies them to the words in the painting to create a higher meaning to the art. You can see the shape of the Buddha for example here, relate to pure and Buddhist mind.  Orchid means the combination of Taoism Buddhism and Confucian philosophy to express a higher spiritual meaning, so the technique of the art form is unique.





八大山人的用墨功夫看似无法无天,实际深得晋人淡远韵致。历代所有名家无人敢如此用笔。心明的《觉君子四屏》虽无八大山人的笔墨绝技,却有八大山人的胆识,巧妙地将佛心、道心、儒心写花写叶。又以篆隶简帛笔触巧布四君子之势:渴笔的觉竹前后相随,入凌云处叶子以浓墨写临风之态,对比鲜明地衬托“觉破”之情。写觉梅以《毛公鼎》“先”字布枝垂干,不经意中得天地俯仰之势,虽写梅花情态各异,皆一一担当言语之职。用笔简远。“佛”字花更呈淡雅脱俗。觉兰根叶离尘,花写“千秋王者香悟空性”之语。笔法清晖洞达。写了 五六张,一有俗气。马上就被子玄否决。清超出自二王兰心慧气相运。觉菊生长在悬崖峭壁也不失君子的峻整不凡。用墨浓淡与前三幅相反,花淡叶浓隐逸中迎曦。《觉君子四屏》艺术的幻觉实实在在存活心明笔下。

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