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名称 : 艾黎的 《家》水墨镜本 中堂 陈照心明

尺寸: 103 cm x 78 cm

钤印 : 心 明 、照心明、南海孤辰星、

题跋 :丁酉纪念路易-艾黎诞辰一百二十周年。


内容 (路易-艾黎一九七七年十月二十五日于北京作的诗)


《心明书学大脚印-—2印》当接到 此次画展主办方之一的新西兰中国画院邓邦镇、卢波 老师邀请:要用书法抄写一首艾黎的诗 《家》。抄写?心明半信半疑,正想婉拒,眼睛却情不自停留在路易-艾 黎 的诗,脑海早已呈现“艾黎家的风采和悠远胸怀” 的图像,书法作为中国艺术之父,诗、书、画三为一体是中国文人艺术家 的传统。书者,以内心情绪与理想为空间之表现,诗者,乃精神境 界的音乐,画者,成教化 助 人伦的图像心印。这就是中华民族艺术家自觉的道统。有鉴于此心明以雄浑奔放的《石门颂 》为形貌,合《华山碑》质朴明朗而方圆结合的用笔,从二百多字的诗中选最动人的“这就是中国赠给我温暖的家”的名句,明快地突显诗的主 题思想。

当观众在书法力量感召之瞬间—— 心明的笔触已用侧锋勾勒出艾黎的家:房子、卓椅、茶具、书还有“篆”字,四撇代 表世 界 各地亲朋好友,在这家里留下的温暖记忆。为了更能用线条直接表 现 艾黎功成不居,自由清凉的来自白云之乡的 本性,于是运用俊逸飞动 的行草书体,在房子右中方,书写“一叶清凉,其气侥益升腾,化作阵阵工合祥云,悠远长存。从右下角向左书写的是艾黎二百多字的诗文,用笔严谨而富有教养,纳碑入贴的运笔与家的画面共同描绘出诗、书、画三为一体的令人人向往的家。最后以朱砂墨手书一汉印“路易艾黎的家”一幅丹青、笔墨、印章清超磊落之作恭成。




Title: Home of Rewi Alley. Ink on Xuan paper in glass frame. Chen Zhao Xinming

Size: 103 cm x 78 cm

Seal: Xinming, Zhao Xinming, Nanhai Guchenxing

Colophon: Celebrate the 120th Anniversary of birth of Rewi Alley, 2017.

Chinese artists pays great attention to orthodox, if one lacks understanding of traditions, any unique or eccentric thoughts, doesn’t matter how original that might be, it will be unfounded, therefore cannot be marked into history.Excerpt from Images of the mind by Wen Fong, internationally renowned art historian, Professor of Art History Emeritus in Princeton University.

When Mr Deng Bangzhen and Ms Lu Bo invited Xinming to copy the poem <Home> written by Rewi Alley, Xinming immediately had some creative ideas brewing in her head, she doesn’t want to simply copy the poem into calligraphy; she wants to create an art piece that renders Alley’s aspiration and the beauty of his home.  Calligraphy as the father of Chinese art, combines poetry, calligraphy and painting in one, it is the traditional art form practice by all Chinese literati artists.The most prominent writing is a line from Alley’s poem Home – a kindly home is this that China has given me. Xinming has written this using the fusion of the powerful style from the Ode of Shimen (石门颂) and simple, plain style from Huashan Stele (华山碑) . Xinming has also drawn a table, a chair, a teapot, teacups and a book, also written “一叶清凉” and “工合” to represent the cozy and kind home, and Gong Ho as one of Alley’s greatest achievement and gift to China was also able to find its home in China. 

On the bottom right corner was the entire poem Home in Chinese. Also in cinnabar wrote home of Rewi Alley (路易艾黎的家).

                                                                                             (完) 陈照心明




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